Thursday, January 20, 2011

About Myself

My name is Tiffany Hubenak and I am a graduate student pursuing a Master's Degree in school counseling.  I have 3 classes left at Angelo State. It has been a wonderful experience. I am lucky enough to have already secured my job as LBJ's High School Counselor for 2 years now. I have 8 years of teaching experience and I can tell you that couseling is much different from teaching!  Everyday I am faced with challenges and opportunities, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My family has supported me along this educational journey.  I have a wonderful husband (Greg) and two children (Ayden and Avery) who keep me grounded as well as motivated during the tough and emotional times!


  1. As a technology professional who also works in K-12 education, it is encouraging to see school administrators embracing Web 2.0 tools! Keep up the great work. I'm your biggest fan!

  2. Hey Tiffany,

    My name is Dana Bushong from our class at ASU.I am currently working as a counselor at Hutto High school. I totally understand being a little overwhelmed at being a new counselor. Hang in there!!!

  3. Tiffany and anyone else in the prac. together
    We are in this class together. Please invite me to your blog so we can "follow each other". So far I am only in Dana's blog. ''( I need some friends!
    Laurie Hulse
